
We’re All Little Children (2024) — App Exclusive

Intro: .
We’re all little children
Under the endless sky
Eyes big as saucers
Little voices asking "why, why, why?" .
Clutching skirts for safety
Asking to be carried
It's all a mystery
We try to grow up quickly ..
It's okay to be young _ and ignorant
It's alright to know what you know and nothing more

More Than You Know (2024)

It's all so simple, and it's all so complicated
There's nowhere to go, and it's so hard to get back there.
Have you ever tried to fly without trying
Have you ever tried to see the one who's looking
Have you ever been with everything.
And she said … and I said I know
And she said ... more than you know

December in the North (2023)

Clean white snow coming down
looks so pretty all around .
Ice-cold noses and woollen touques
Lit up houses, snow in my boots .
It's December in the North
there's a fire in the hearth
doff your jacket and your scarf
grab a cup of something hot to quench your thirst

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You (2023)

Thank you thank you thank you, for the gift of this meal

Glow (2023)

I forgot to be present, what a nuisance man
I better try harder because I know that I can
Hold off on rendering my plans for the week
Hold off on noticing I need to take a leak
Hold off on thinking about me, me, me
Hold off on thinking about how others should be
Hold off on thinking of the chores I need to do

Elevate (2023)

Take it from a standing start
And hit the ground a running
Take it from a standing start
And hit the ground a running
Running running
Running running running
Running running
Running running running

Hold Fast (2023)

Hold fast, hang tight
In the Grace of Love
everything's all right

Stand Up for Life (2023)

It's time to stand up, stand up for life
It's time to stand up, stand up for life
It's time to stand up, stand up for life
It's time to stand up, stand up for life

Great Round Beauty (2021)

She’s a great round beauty, mama she is,
She’s a great round beauty, mama she is,
Yes she is, yes she is, yes she is
Yeeeah, Yeeeah

Alive (2021)

In the early, early morning when the sun is in my eyes
When I sand up and rise.
When I walk upon your shore, need nothing more than be alive
With a thank-you in my heart and a twinkle in my eyes.
I salute your awesome sky, and I watch the warm sun rise

Starting to Become (2021)

I’ve only got what I’ve been given
And it isn’t like it’s mine to keep.
I’ve tried to give everything I can
And hope I get everything I need.
I felt the truth reaching out to me
Like I’d been reaching from inside.
That little gap still so painfully wide

Think! (2021)

If you could read all of my thoughts
I think you'd find you'd much rather not
You wouldn't believe all that I've got
Considering everything I've already forgot.
I've got ways to save the world
Mixed with things to say to girls
I've got the wrong words to stupid songs
Stuck in loops that go on and on

Than Me (2021)

A lot of folks are better than I am
Are kinder and have bigger hearts
I am a work in progress, man
And I’ve met some bright humans.
But there’s nobody I would rather be
Than me, than me
No one I’d rather be
Than me, than me
… but a better me

May I Be (2020)

May I live this life in harmony with all sisters and brothers
All the plants, the animals, the winds, sky and waters
The rocks and soil
The earth, the stars and the sun
In harmony with all creation
And with the Source from which we all come ..
May I be, In balance, giving and receiving

Glorious Earth (2020)

There's still fish in the seas and birds in the sky, the oceans are deep and the mountains are high,
Rains come down from the sky, and the seasons still change as the sun goes by,
Life returns after things die, babies are born and they learn how to fly,
The earth is alive, so alive

Walk in the Light (2020)

May I walk in the light
Of Destiny's stride

Tatla Lake to Trail (2020)

From poplar and pine to mountain valley trails
that wind among the rocks
The open western sky, peaks that pile
high above the creeks that run across

Wise Woman (2020)

My grand mama is a wise woman, said here’s my advice to you my grandson
Learn to hold the door wide open, let everyone walk on through before you
Learn to slow down when you’re talking, watch the world spinning around
Learn to slow down when you’re walking, look around
and watch the world go round

It's a Good Thing (2020)

It's a good thing, it's a good thing
To have friends
Who make your heart sing
It's a good thing, it's a good thing
To have friends
Who make your hea-rt sing

Singing Spring (2020)

The softness of the earth, and the sweetness in the air
All the plants in the garden, all the flowers everywhere, are singing.
Springtime is here, Alleluia,
Wake up spring is here

Clean Freak (2020)

I like dirt underneath my feet
The stuff’s everywhere, you just can’t see it .
So I wash my food before I eat, and I wash my face before I sleep
I never lie and I never cheat, and I never sit on a toilet seat.
Because I’m a clean freak, squeaky clean
I’m the cleanest geek you've ever seen

What a Man Can Be (2020)

I am free, I can be what I can
I can love what I see
And I can learn to understand
There are many things
a man can be

Previous Projects

Before becoming the Sunship Awakeneers (in early 2020) we were known as the Solaris Music Project and the Merry McKentys. Here are some recordings released under those band names.

Bells of Kindness (2016)

Bells of KindnessCovering a range of genres from meditative folk-ballads to hip-hop, Bells of Kindness is the first full length Solaris studio album. With a solid and unique folk-rock sound, the album puts powerful vocal harmonies behind lyrics that are insightful, healing, courageous, and quite often funny.

Solaris (2015)

Solaris 18 Solaris Project recordings from the studio and stage.

Out of the Woods (2013)

Out of the Woods
Sweet and lively traditional tunes played on piano, mandolin, guitar and three fiddles.